Current Status
The Company is waiting for two (2) Exclusive Prospecting Orders (“EPO’s” or “EPO”) to be granted. The two applications, Mt. Darwin West EPO, and Nyanga North EPO, were submitted in June of 2021. The two EPO applications combined cover approximately 124,000 hectares (1,240 km2). Both applications have been forwarded from the Attorney General’s offices to the offices of the Mining Affairs Board (“MAB”). The next step in the process is for the Permanent Secretary who heads up the MAB to approve the applications and present them to the Minister of Mines for signature by the President. Timing of the applications being granted is unknown at this juncture.
EPO Key Features
Holder granted exclusive mineral prospecting rights;
Valid for three (3) years & provision for additional three (3) year extension request;
Economic mineral discoveries on EP is converted into mineral claims or mining permit;
Holding mineral claims confers right to mine by holder subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment filing;
Applications lodged for two (2) EPO's, encompassing 124,000 Ha.
Mt. Darwin West EPO
Approximately 63,000 Ha, over prospective Archean geology; surrounding highly active small scale miners; prospective for gold and lithium. -
Nyanga North EPO
Approximately 61,000 Ha, over prospective hydrothermal gold in shear zones as well as Witwatersrand style gold conglomerates; small scale miners active in area. Nyanga North EPO now surrounded by additional EPO applications for lithium.
Mt. Darwin West EPO
Property Map
Rosa Gold Prospect Map
Active Small Scale Miners